The William States Lee College of Engineering

Celebrating Lyn Comer’s Success: Passing Her Master’s Thesis

Today, we are celebrating the remarkable accomplishments of Lyn Comer, a talented graduate student at Penn State’s department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences. The world of meteorology and atmospheric science is a captivating realm where the forces of nature are unraveled and understood.

I was fortunate today to see Lyn defend her master’s thesis titled, Evolution of monthly mean convective boundary layer depths over the US detected from WSR-88D radar observations. Her research has shed light on the intricacies of our planet’s weather systems, paving the way for new discoveries and advancements. Lyn’s success is not only a personal achievement but also a source of inspiration for future meteorologists and atmospheric scientists. Congratulations, Lyn Comer, on this remarkable milestone, and may your journey continue to illuminate the world with your meteorological prowess.