Interactive Tour of the Form 1+ 3D Printer — Formlabs Blog — Formlabs

Interactive Tour of the Form 1+ 3D Printer — Formlabs Blog — Formlabs.


Formlabs posted a really slick 3D interactive tour of the Form 1+ (which we now have up and running in the RP lab).

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3D Printing Innovators In The Carolinas | WFAE

3D Printing Innovators In The Carolinas | WFAE.


A nice discussion about additive manufacturing featuring both 3D Systems and Terrence Fagan, a classmate of mine, that works at CPCC.

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Dec 2014: Chris Benfield finishes his master’s degree

.Chris Benfield graduated this past December with his MS in Applied Energy and Electromechanical Systems.  As on of the first students through the program, Chris was a trailblazer who made significant contributions to the program in both his research and mentoring of undergraduates.

CB_grad picture

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Chris Benfield Defends His Thesis

Congrats to Chris Benfield who successfully defended his MS thesis this morning.  A few edits and additions to his write up and we should have him ready to graduate on the 13th.

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Graduate Research Opportunities

I’m currently looking to fill two graduate research positions on funded projects


MS/PhD in Mechanical Engineering

This student will work on modeling, development, and testing of magnetic gearing systems.  Key skills include:

  • Strong CAD skills (SolidWorks preferred)
  • Finite Element Analysis (SolidWorks Simulation and Abaqus)
  • machine shop experience


MS in Software and Information System/Computer Science

This student will work on integrating virtual machines with automation hardware for remote training experiences.  Key skills include:

  • Strong competency in Linux
  • Experience setting up and managing servers
  • Experience with virtual machines and VPNs


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MCO: Bi-weekly Meeting

Wednesday at 10am


Discussion Topics:

  • Lab setup progress
  • Equipment Lists
  • Conference/Publication Updates
  • Training
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Formlabs Form 1+ SLA 3D Printer — Formlabs

Formlabs Form 1+ SLA 3D Printer — Formlabs.


Looking forward to getting this in the lab in the next couple of weeks.

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