Dell EMC OEM & IoT on Twitter

A project that UNC Charlotte MET undergraduate alum and current masters student Philip Bard has worked on at his new job with Kepware.

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Some nice primers on gears and sprockets from Rev Robotics.


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For those interested in learning about 3D printing, laser cutting, desktop machining, and electronics, The UNC Charlotte Makerspace will be hosting activities in the Woodward lab on Tuesdays (1-5) and Thursdays (3-8).  Check out the link below for more details.

The Source: unccmakerspace

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Magnetic Gearing Students and Alumni Gathering


We were able to get the magnetic gearing students and alumni together for a social gathering to coincide with Dr. Bird’s recent visit to UNC Charlotte for a few days over the summer.  Sina avenged a loss at Pairs to Josh and Matt rode patient cunning to victory in Kill Dr. Lucky.

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Noun Project:  An interesting site for visual icons

Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World’s Visual Language.

Source: Noun Project

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Josh Kadel takes a job with Composite Resources

Josh Kadel, recent graduate from the Mechanical Engineering Technology program and long time undergraduate research assistant, starts his new job with Composite Resources this month.  Josh has been a big part of the mechanical design team for the magnetic gearing research for the past 18 months as well as leading a senior design project that integrated a flux focusing magnetic gearbox into a vertical axis wind turbine.  He will be joining fellow MET alum Derek Fricke at Composite Resources, a firm that specializes in composite prototype manufacturing.


One of Josh’s magnetic gearbox designs in the process of being assembled.

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Residual surface stress: comparing traditional and modulated tool path machining processes

Happy to see the journal article out of Travis Anderson’s thesis project has recently been published.

Source: Residual surface stress: comparing traditional and modulated tool path machining processes

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