Category Archives: Uncategorized

Congratulations to NC FIRST teams

A number of North Carolina teams represented the state last week in Houston for part 1 of the FIRST championship.  These students build robots (up to 120 pounds) in the course of a six week build season, before competition begins. … Continue reading

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UNC Charlotte Makerspace hosts digital fashion show 27-April

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NCSSM is looking for an instructor of engineering

I’ve had the opportunity to work with students and faculty at NCSSM over the years and this would be a great opportunity for someone interested in working with talented students at an exceptional institution.  More information at: Instructor of … Continue reading

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Carbide Create: First Impressions

So I finally got around to kicking the tires on Carbide Create, the CAM software from Carbide 3D to control the Nomad Desktop CNC.  The software was quick to learn, easy to use, and integrated seamlessly with the Nomad.  It … Continue reading

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MET alum launches business serving the racing community

Derek Fricke (MET undergraduate 2014) has spun his passion for design, cars, and engineering into a small business serving the customers in both the high end sports car and racing market.  The race seat design is used in NASCAR Ryan … Continue reading

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Dell EMC OEM & IoT on Twitter

A project that UNC Charlotte MET undergraduate alum and current masters student Philip Bard has worked on at his new job with Kepware.

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Some nice primers on gears and sprockets from Rev Robotics.  

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