Category Archives: Uncategorized
IEEE paper on the Halbach magnetic gear is published
Pushkar in Japan
Pushkar Sathe has taken a job in Japan working with the company that makes the JMAG magnetics software that we use in our magnetic gear research. Congrats and best of luck to Pushkar!
SME meeting at UNC Charlotte Sep 20
Our September meeting will be a joint one with the student chapter at UNC-Charlotte. The date is September 20 and the time is 6:30 PM. Jon Tedesco, of Keyence, will be doing a presentation on the topic of surface analysis. … Continue reading
High school robotics in August at UNC Pembroke
Hello wonderful volunteers, I hope everyone is having a great summer. As some of you might know, the NC Off-Season FRC event known as THOR (Thundering Herd Of Robots) is coming soon, and this year there will be two separate … Continue reading
Student summer gathering
Students took a break from their research to celebrate recent successes at Dr Williams house with some food and gaming: -Alzarrio successfully defended his Master’s thesis -Pushkar received a job offer from JMAG in Japan -Kang received a Hydropower scholarship … Continue reading