Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring Semester Wrap Up

The Spring 2019 semester wrapped up with a flurry of activity.  Three undergraduate research assistants (David Barnett, Austin Joyner, and Ryan Williams) graduated with their BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology.  While Austin and Ryan are moving on into the workforce, … Continue reading

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An unusual defense

The shooting on April 30th disrupted a lot of events on campus at the end of the semester.  That said, I was impressed with the flexibility and resilience shown by the faculty and students as they pushed forward with work … Continue reading

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Conference Travel in April

April was a busy month for conference travel, with Waterpower Week in Washington and the NC Renewable Ocean Energy Program Symposium in Wanchese, NC. Waterpower Week had numerous solid sessions and it there are some interesting resources coming online.  The … Continue reading

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Magnetic Gearing Group at Discovery Place for Engineering Week

Austin, Casey, and David volunteered at the Takeover Day at Discovery Place.  They had over 150 visitors who learned a bit about gears and magnets. Additional photos can be found here    

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Casey and Sina travel to Pittsburgh for IMECE

Casey and Sina traveled to Pittsburgh last month to attend the International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition, where they presented updates on our magnetic gearing research.  Between sessions, they caught up with Dr. Goudarzi who was there to present on … Continue reading

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Tidal Energy Turbines + Storage  

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Tidal turbine success off Scotland  

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