Selected recent publications:
- Cavalline, T.L., Morian, D., and Schexnayder, C.J. (2021). Construction Quality in the Alternate Project Delivery Environment. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Press. 446 pages. ISBN: 978-0-7844-1582-5.
- Cavalline, T.L., Fick, G.J., and Innis, A. (2021). Quality Control for Concrete Paving: A Tool for Agency and Industry. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 165 pages.
- Cavalline, T.L., Snyder, M.B., and Taylor, P.C. (2022). “Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Concrete Paving Mixtures.” Technical Brief. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Available at:
- Sheffield, M.T., Cavalline, T.L., and Dean, G. (2022). “Insights Into Increasing the Implementation of Concrete Overlay Rehabilitation Methods for Highway Pavements.” Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Accepted July 2, 2022.
- Mamirov, M., Hu, J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2022). “Geometrical, Physical, Mechanical, and Compositional Characterization of Recycled Concrete Aggregate,” Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Mamirov, M., Hu, J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2022). “Mixture Design of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Based on Particle Packing and Excess Paste Theory.” ACI Materials Journal. Accepted November 16, 2021.
- Cavalline, T.L., White, F.D., Tempest, B.Q., Hunter, B.J., Ange, C.M., and Simpson, R.P. (2022). “Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures: Implementation at an Interstate Rigid Pavement Project.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Mahama, E., Karimoddini, A., Khan, M., Cavalline, T.L., Hewlin Jr., R.L., Smith, E. (2022). Testing and Evaluating the Impact of Illumination Levels on UAV-assisted Bridge Inspection.” IEEE Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, Montana. March 5-12, 2022. Accepted November 16, 2021.
- Cavalline, T.L., Gallegos, J., Castrodale, R.W., Freeman, C., Liner, J., and Wall, J. (2021). “Influence of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Materials on Building Energy Performance.” Buildings, 11(3), 94.
- Milla, J., Cavalline, T.L., Rupnow, T.D., Melugiri-Shakaramurthy, B., Lomboy, G., and Wang, K. (2021). “Methods of Test for Concrete Permeability: A Critical Review.” ASTM Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 10(1), 172-209.
- Cavalline, T.L., Newsome, R.A., Tempest, B.Q., and Leach, J.W. (2020). “Autogenous Shrinkage of Internally Cured Conventional, Latex-Modified, and Very High Early Strength Latex-Modified Concrete and Mortar.” ASTM Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 9(1), 557-573. Received 2020 Best Paper Award for ASTM Advances in Civil Engineering Materials.
- Kasana, D., Smithwick, J., Mayo, G., and Cavalline, T. (2020). “Enhanced Product Evaluation Tools for State Transportation Agencies to Overcome Commonly Faced Challenges.” ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(3). DOI:
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M.J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2019). “Multivariable Proportional Hazards-based Probabilistic Model for Bridge Deterioration Forecasting.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(2). 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000534
- Tymvios, N., Cavalline, T.L., Maycock, R., Albergo, C., and Roberts, J. (2019). “State of US Practice for the Disposal and Reuse of Concrete Residuals.” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. 24(4). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000447
- Cavalline, T.L., Tempest, B.Q., Blanchard, E., Medlin, C., Chimmula, R., and Morrison, C. (2018). “Impact of Local Calibration Using Sustainable Materials for Rigid Pavement Analysis and Design.” ASCE Journal of Transportation: Part B Pavements, 144(4).
Armaghani, J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2020, in press). Concrete Technology for Transportation Applications. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis Topic 49-09. Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M.J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2019). “Multivariable Proportional Hazards-based Probabilistic Model for Bridge Deterioration Forecasting.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems (accepted). 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000534
- Tymvios, N., Cavalline, T.L., Maycock, R., Albergo, C., and Roberts, J. (2019). “State of US Practice for the Disposal and Reuse of Concrete Residuals.” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. 24(4). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000447
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M., and Cavalline, T. (2019). “Duration-based Forecasting of Bridge Condition with Non-Parametric Kaplan-Meier Survival Functions.” 5th Annual Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment, and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures. Potsdam, Germany, August 27-19, 2019.
- Cavalline, T.L., Tempest, B.Q., Leach, J.W., Newsome, R.A., Loflin, G.D, and Fitzner, M.J. (2019). “Internal Curing of Concrete Using Lightweight Aggregate.” Final Report, Project FHWA/NC/2016-06, North Carolina Department of Transportation. May 2019.
- Whelan, M.J., Cavalline, T.L., Phillips, P., and Rice, C. (2019). “Improving Replacement Cost Data for NCDOT Highway Bridges.” Final Report, Project FHWA/NC/2017-09, North Carolina Department of Transportation.
- Whelan, M.J., Cavalline, T.L., Alar, A., and Lane, K. (2019). “Guidelines for Prioritization of Bridge Replacement, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Projects.” Final Report, Project FHWA/NC/2016-05, North Carolina Department of Transportation.
- Snyder, M.B., Cavalline, T.L., Fick, G., Taylor, P. Klokke, S., and Gross, J. (2018). Recycling Concrete Pavement Materials: A Practitioners Reference Guide. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
- Cavalline, T.L., Tempest, B.Q., Blanchard, E., Medlin, C., Chimmula, R., and Morrison, C. (2018). “Impact of Local Calibration Using Sustainable Materials for Rigid Pavement Analysis and Design.” ASCE Journal of Transportation: Part B Pavements, 144(4).
- Cavalline T.L. (2018). “Concrete Pavement Recycling Series – Protecting Water Quality Through Planning and Design Considerations” Technical Brief, February 2018. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Aavailable at
- Cavalline T.L. (2018). “Concrete Pavement Recycling Series – Protecting the Environment During Construction” Technical Brief, February 2018. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Available at
- Cavalline, T.L., Green, C.S., Tymvios, N., (2018). “Failures All Around Us: Use of Student-Identified Failure Case Studies to Teach the Investigation Process.” American Society of Civil Engineers Forensic Engineering 8th Congress, Austin, TX, November 29-December 2, 2018.
- Liu, R., Nastar, N., Cavalline, T., Sullivan-Green, L.E., Bosella, P.A., Delatte, N.J., Parfitt, M.K., and Carper, K.L. (2018). “Failing Forward – Construction Failure Case Studies.” American Society of Civil Engineers Forensic Engineering 8th Congress, Austin, TX, November 29-December 2, 2018.
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M.J., and Cavalline, T.L. (2018). “Predictive fidelity of bridge deterioration models: probabilistic vs. deterministic.” 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS2018), Melbourne, Australia. July 9-13, 2018.
- Cavalline, T.L., Tempest, B.Q., Blanchard, E.H., Medlin, C.D., and Chimmula, R.R. (2018). “Improved Data for Mechanistic-Empirical Design for Concrete Pavements”. Final Report, Project FHWA/NC/2015-03, North Carolina Department of Transportation. August 2018.
- Tempest, B.Q, Cavalline, T.L., and Ojo, T. (2018). “Performance of Portland Cement Concrete Containing Chemically Beneficiated High Loss On Ignition Fly Ashes With Air Entrainment.” Final Report, submitted to Duke Energy. April 30, 2018.
- Cavalline, T.L., Castrodale, R.W., Freeman, C., and Wall, J. (2017). “Impact of Lightweight Aggregate on Concrete Thermal Properties.” ACI Materials Journal, 114(6), 945-956.
- Nicholas, T., Cavalline, T., Johnson, D., and Laney, M. (2017). “Thermal Performance of a Recycled Aggregate Using Building Energy Simulation Programs.” International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation, (9)1, 30-39.
- Tempest, B.Q., Cavalline, T.L, and Gergely, J. (2017) “Predicting Corrosion-related Bridge Durability with Laboratory Measured Permeability Results: A Case Study of the Virginia Dare Memorial Bridge.” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 31(5),
- Cavalline, T.L. (2017). “Concrete Pavement Recycling – Project Selection and Scoping”. Technical Brief, September 2017. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Available at
- Chen, D. and Cavalline, T.L. (2017). “A Robust Data Processing Method for Pavement Performance Models.” Submitted to the World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management (WCPAM) 2017. Milan, Italy, June 12-16, 2017.
- Tymvios, N., Cavalline, T.L., and Albergo, C. (2017). “Cost Factors Affecting Decisions for Recycling and Reuse of Concrete Residuals in North Carolina.” Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Conference, Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure, Vancouver, Canada. May 31-June 1, 2017.
- Castrodale, R.W. and Cavalline, T.L. (2017). “Thermal Properties of Lightweight Concrete and Their Impact on Bridge Design.” 2017 Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) Convention and National Bridge Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, February 28 – March 4, 2017.
- Tymvios, N., Cavalline, T.L., and Albergo, C. (2017). “Cost Analysis on the Reuse of Concrete Residuals.” Final Report, Project FHWA/NC/2015-12, North Carolina Department of Transportation.
- Cavalline, T.L., Calamusa, J.T., and Kitts, A.M. and Tempest, B.Q., (2016). “Field Observed Cracking of Paired Lightweight and Normalweight Concrete Bridge Decks.” International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 11(1), 85-97. DOI: 10.1007/s40069-016-0176-1.
- Cavalline, T.L. (2016). “Quantifying the Sustainability Benefits of Concrete Pavement Recycling.” Technical Brief, December 2016. National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M., and Cavalline, T.L. (2016). “Characterizing the effect of external factors on deterioration rates of bridge components using multivariate proportional hazards regression.” Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
- Goyal, R., Whelan, M., and Cavalline, T. (2016). “Multivariate Regression Modeling of Bridge Deterioration: Identifying Factors Influencing Deterioration over the Life-Cycle.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management (IABMAS 2016). Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 26-30 June 2016.
- Nicholas, T., Cavalline, T.L., Johnson, D., and Laney, M. (2016). “Thermal Performance of a Recycled Aggregate Utilizing Building Energy Simulation Programs.” IAJC/ISAM Joint International Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 6-8, 2016.
- Cavalline, T.L., Ley, M.T., Weiss, W.J., Van Dam, T., and Sutter, L. (2016). “A Road Map for Research and Implementation of Freeze-Thaw Resistant Highway Concrete.” 11th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, San Antonio, TX, August 28-31, 2016.
- Ramsey, J.D., Cavalline, T.L., Whelan, M.J., Goyal, R., and Tempest, B.Q. (2016) “A 25-Year Retrospective on Bridge-Related Crashes in North Carolina: Frequencies, User Costs, and Crash Forecasting Models.” Transportation Research Board 2016 Annual Meeting.
- Cavalline, T.L. and Delatte, N.J. (2015). “Learning from the World Trade Center Collapse – Use of a Failure Case Study in a Structures and Materials Laboratory Course.” Journal of Engineering Technology, 32(2), 2-17. Winner of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Best Paper Award.
- Cavalline, T.L. and Delatte, N. (2015). “Learning from the World Trade Center Collapse – Use of a Failure Case Study in a Structures and Materials Laboratory Course.” Proceedings of the 122nd American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition (Seattle, WA), June 14-17, 2015.
- Chen, D., Cavalline, T., and Mastin, N. (2015) “Piecewise Linear Models for Ordinal Pavement Distress Data”. 9th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets (ICMPA9), Washington D.C., May 18-21, 2015.
- Cavalline, T.L., Whelan, M.J., Tempest, B.Q., Goyal, R., and Ramsey, J.D. (2015) “Determination of Bridge Deterioration Models and Bridge User Costs for the NCDOT Bridge Management System.” North Carolina Department of Transportation Final Report No. FHWA/NC/2014-07.
- Cavalline, T. L., Schwerin, D. E., Weggel, D. C., & McClure, C. (2014). “Construction of a Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate Concrete Test Pavement.” The Technology Interface International Journal, 15(1), 11-20.
- Nicholas, T., Radford, P., Cavalline, T., & Brizendine, A. L. (2014). “Compressive Performance of Recycled Aggregate Mortar.” The International Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation, 6(2), 49-55.
- Chen, D., Cavalline, T.L., and Mastin, N. (2014). “Development of Piecewise Linear Performance Models for Flexible Pavements Using PMS Data.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, DOI: 1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000647, 04014148.
- Cavalline, T.L., Schwerin, D.E., Weggel, D.C., and McClure, C. (2014). “Construction of a Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate Concrete Test Pavement.” Proceedings of IJAC/ISAM, September 25-27, 2014.
- Nicholas II, T., Radford, P., Cavalline, T., and Brizendine, A.L. (2014). “Compressive Performance of Recycled Aggregate Mortar.” Proceedings of IJAC/ISAM, September 25-27, 2014.
- Goyal, R., Ramsey, J., Whelan, M.J., Cavalline, T.L., Tempest, B.Q. (2014). “A Framework for Statistical Regression of Bridge Deterioration Rates for Improved BMS Classification.” 9th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 15-18, 2014.
- Chen, D., Cavalline, T., Ogunro, V., and Thompson, D. (2014). “Development and Validation of Pavement Deterioration Models and Analysis Weight Factors for the NCDOT Pavement Management System. Part I: Windshield Survey Data.” Final Report. Report No. FHWA/NC/2011-01.
- Nicholas, T. and Cavalline, T. (2014). “Development and Delivery of a Concrete Masonry Design and Construction Course.” Final report submitted to the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), May 2014.
- Cavalline, T. and Weggel, D. (2013). “Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate Concrete: Use of Brick Masonry from Construction and Demolition Waste as Recycled Aggregate in Concrete.” Structural Survey, 31(3), 160-180.
- Delatte, N., Bagaka’s, J.G., Roberts, M.W., Atadero, R.A, Zoghi, M., Johnson, P.W., Cavalline, T. and Thompson, M.K. (2013). “Results from Implementation and Assessment of Case Studies in the Engineering Curriculum.” Proceedings of the 120th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition (Atlanta, GA), June 23-26, 2013.
- Schwerin, D.E., Cavalline, T.L., and Weggel, D.C. (2013). “Use of Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate and Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate Concrete in Sustainable Construction.” KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 3(1), 28-34.
- Cavalline, T., Kitts, A., and Calamusa, J. (2013). “Durability of Lightweight Concrete Bridge Decks – Field Evaluation.” Final Report, North Carolina Department of Transportation Research Project 2011-06, Report No. FHWA/NC/2011-06, February 2013.
- Weggel, D.C., Chen, S.E., Hilger, H, Besnard, F., Cavalline, T., Tempest, B., Alvey, A., Grimmer, M, and Turner, R. (2011). “Final Scientific Report, Building Materials Reclamation Program.” Department of Energy (DOE) Project # DE-FG26-08NT01982, March 2011.
- Tempest, B., Cavalline, T., Gergely, J., and Weggel, D., (2010). “Construction and Demolition Waste Used as Recycled Aggregates in Concrete: Solutions for Increasing the Marketability of Recycled Aggregates Concrete.” Proceedings of the Concrete Sustainability Conference sponsored by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). Tempe, AZ, April 13-15, 2010.
- Scheetz, B.E., Roy, D.M., Tikalsky, P.J., Cavalline, T.L., “Delayed Ettringite Formation and the Influence of Cement Characteristics,” Proceedings of the World Congress of Cement Chemistry, Durban, South Africa, May 2003, pp. 75-83.
- Tikalsky, P.J., Scheetz, B.E., Roy, D.M., Rosenberger, J., Arjunan, P., and Cavalline, T. (2003) “Relationship between Cement Characteristics, Heat of Hydration and Concrete Strength,” Proceedings of the World Congress of Cement Chemistry, Durban, South Africa, May 2003, 1054-1062.
- Scheetz, B., Roy, D.M., Tikalsky, P.J., Cavalline, T.L., Arjunan, P., and Rosenberger, J. “Influence of Portland Cement Characteristics on Alkali-Silica Reactivity.” (2003). Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2003.
- Tikalsky, P.J., Roy, D.M., Scheetz, B.E., and Krize, T.L. (2002). “Redefining Cement Characteristics for Sulfate Resistant Portland Cements,” Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, 32(8), 2002, 1239 -1246.
- Roy, D.M., Tikalsky, P.J., Scheetz, B.E., Rosenberger, J., Cavalline, T.L., and Arjunan, P. (2002). “Influence of Portland Cement Characteristics on Alkali Silica Reactivity,” 11th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) meeting.
- Roy, D.M., Tikalsky, P.J., Scheetz, B., Rosenberger, J.L., Krize, T.L., Malek, R.I. (2002). “Influence of Cement Composition on AASHTO T 277 Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability: Recommended Changes to the Method.” Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2002.
- Tikalsky, P.J., Krize, T.L., Roy, D.M., Scheetz, B., and Gottschall, C. (2001). “Influence of Cement Characteristics on Sulfate Attack.” Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2001.
- Tikalsky, P.J., Roy, D.M., Krize, T.L., Gottschall, C., Arjunan, P., and Rosenberger, J.L. (2001). “Influence of Portland Cement on Alkali Silica Reactivity.” Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2001.