Golf Swing

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Golf SwingThe mechanics of a Golf swing can cause a variety of injuries. The most common areas where golfers experience injuries are the lower back, the shoulder, or more specifically the rotator cuff, the left elbow, and the left wrist (for right handed). Unfortunately, there is little data available about the seriousness of injuries as a result of playing Golf or how to reduce them.

Our analysis of the Golf swing help golfers to detect their problems and tweak their action, thereby decrease the risk of an injury. We also provide a comparison of their performance with a normative range that has been developed from analyzing professional golfers over a period of 20 years. This helps them catch up with the best in this game.

We place numerous markers on key parts of the subject’s body that are affected by the swing such as arms, shoulders, hip, knee, ankle, etc. and capture several trials of a swing using a network of high speed video cameras. Each swing is broken into over 500 frames at 240 frames per second. Key moments such as the initial stance, initial movement, peak back swing, ball contact, follow-through are captured and several parameters such as the segment position, segment velocity, rotation, time duration, club velocity and orientation, ball speed, projection angle are calculated at each instance.

  • Zheng, N., Barrentine, SW, Fleisig, GS, and Andrews, JR: Swing Kinematics for Male and Female Pro Golfers Int. J. Sports Med (in press)
  • Zheng, N., Barrentine, SW, Fleisig, GS, and Andrews, JR: Kinematic Analysis of Swing in Pro and Amateur Golfers. Int. J. Sports Med 9:487-493, 2008