Dr. Smith’s research focus areas include: (a) control systems (nonlinear, adaptive controls), (b) process modeling and data analytics (physics-based and data-driven, such as machine learning), and (c) monitoring/instrumentation.
His interests include process modeling and control, applied energy, electromechanical systems, and manufacturing.
Modeling and Control of Processes and Systems
- Real-time modeling and adaptive control
- Nonlinear system dynamics and stability
- Data analytics and machine learning
- Instrumentation-based process control
- Process automation and optimization
- Data-driven decision making
Applied Energy and Energy Generation Systems
- Smart Grid, Microgrid, Power Plants
- Distributed Energy Resources
- Hybrid Energy Systems
Nuclear Energy (Fission and Fusion, Nuclear Fuel Cycle)
- Used nuclear fuel transportation
- Process instrumentation and sensors
- Safety control systems and process systems
Electromechanical Systems
- Robotics
- Embedded systems
- Magnetic shielding
Advanced Manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing for engineered design solutions
- Manufacturing Automation (e.g., controls, robotics, CNC milling, on-machine probing)
Power, Energy, and Intelligent Systems Lab (PEISL) at UNC Charlotte
- The main research focus areas of the Power, Energy, and Intelligent Systems Lab (PEISL) are related to power grid modernization such as grid impact of renewable energy integration, real-time modeling, and control of power grid and renewable energy devices, dynamics and stability of renewable energy integrated power grids and advanced topics in power system optimization.
Prospective Students for Research Positions
Thank you for your interest. We are always looking for interested undergraduate (BS) and qualified graduate (MS and Ph.D.) students to start with our research group at UNC Charlotte. Students with good academic records and related research interest are encouraged to apply for Ph.D. and MS degrees, such as the Applied Energy and Electromechanical Engineering (AEEE) program. Once you are admitted to UNC Charlotte, you are welcome to contact me for any available positions. For further information on admission to UNC Charlotte, please visit The Graduate School and Admissions. If you are a current student at UNC Charlotte and interested in related engineering research activities (e.g., energy and electrical power, control system, instrumentation/monitoring, process modeling), you are welcome to contact me via email (in the subject line, state “Research Position Interest”). In the email, include the following attachments (as PDF documents only): your CV/resume, a short research interest statement (1 or 2 paragraphs), and unofficial transcript(s).