
Dr. Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management (ETCM) within the William States Lee College of Engineering at UNC Charlotte. His background includes instrumentation-based process control, process modeling, data analytics, data-driven decision making, and software development, with over 10 years of industrial experience in the energy industry (instrumentation and controls engineering) and more than 15 years of teaching experience (part-time at Central Piedmont Community College and full-time at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte). With a particular interest in industry applications, his research focus areas include: (a) control systems (e.g., nonlinear, adaptive control, optimal control, system dynamics, and stability), (b) process modeling and data analytics (e.g., physics-based and data-driven methods, such as artificial intelligence / machine learning), and (c) monitoring/instrumentation. He has published numerous research articles (e.g., refereed journals and conference papers) in his field. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, Senior Member), SME. In addition, he serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Secretary for the IEEE IAS Industrial Automation and Control Committee, and Vice-Chair for the ANS Fuel Cycle & Waste Management Division.


Ph.D. Electrical Engineering UNC Charlotte 2015
M.S. Electrical Engineering UNC Charlotte 2012
M.S. Mechanical Engineering UNC Charlotte 2008
B.S.E.T. Mechanical Engineering Technology UNC Charlotte 2005

Dissertation Topic: Advanced Control Applications for a Nonlinear System based on Prediction and Adaptation


2019-Present Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC.
2010-2019 Electrical and I&C / IV&V Engineering, AREVA / Orano Federal Services LLC, Charlotte, NC.
2008-2010 I&C Engineering, New Plants Engineering, AREVA NP Inc., Charlotte, NC.
2008-2019 Part-time Instructor, Engineering Technology, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC.

Professional Memberships/Affiliations

Service Offices/Positions and Review/Editorial Board/Advisory Positions Include:

Visit the following pages for Dr. Smith’s selected activities and contributions: