Cadence Products at UNC-Charlotte

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Cadence University Program Member

Note: This page is only Cadence-information related.


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is pleased to be a member of the Cadence University Program, allowing students access to the latest Cadence design tools for computer aided design of integrated circuits. The Cadence suite enables students to design, layout and verify analog/digital circuits using Custom IC and Digital IC systems as a part of courses offered in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UNC Charlotte. Some of the courses that use Cadence products   extensively are:

ECGR 3131 Fundamentals of Electronics and Semiconductor Devices

ECGR 3132 Electronics

ECGR 4131/5431 Linear Integrated Circuits

ECGR 4132/5132 Analog Integrated Circuit Design

ECGR 6263/8263 Advanced Analog IC Design

ECGR 4433/5133 VLSI System Design

ECGR 6437 Mixed Signal VLSI

ECGR 6264 Radio Design

ECGR 6090 Microwave Circuits and Metamaterials

ECGR 6999 Master’s Thesis

ECGR 8999 Doctoral Dissertation

For descriptions of all of the above courses, please refer to the undergaduate and graduate school catalogs.


Cadence product notes for UNC Charlotte:

Note: if you have used these products previously, or have used old vesions of the products, you may first wish to backup your old directory to prevent any undesired changes.

For new users, to install Cadence NCSU libraries, simply run the Cadence product from the MOSAIC menu on a Linux machine, and the libraries should automatically be installed for you the first time you run the software.

Note for previous users of Cadence products:
If you were a previous user of Cadence products, before running the latest version, you should to first backup/copy your old cadence/NCSU directory to your linux home directory, then move your old startup files to a safe place (.cdsenv .cdsinit .cdsdoc cds.lib .cdsplotinit cadence_startup). When you first run the software, it may try to make automata conversions/updates of your old files.  After this, you may wish to copy any needed define statements from your old cds.lib file, making proper changes to adjust for the new locations of your directory/folders.

Links to some Cadence product tutorials:


Page maintained by Prof. Saqib. If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections, please email:
Cadence is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134.