2019, Advanced oxidation, Chemical treatment, Contaminants of emerging concern, Publications, Wastewater Mapara, S., Patel, U.D., Keen, O.S. and Ruparelia, J.P. (2019) Significant improvement in biodegradability of a real optical brightening agent (OBA) wastewater using small doses of Fenton’s reagent. Environmental Technology, 42(13), 2112-2121
2019, Chemical treatment, Contaminants of emerging concern, Disinfection byproducts, Identification of transformation products, Pharmaceuticals, Properties of transformation products, Publications Kennedy Neth, N. L., Carlin, C.M. and Keen, O.S. (2019) Transformation of common antibiotics during water disinfection with chlorine and formation of antibacterially active products. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 5, 1222-1233
2019, Contaminants of emerging concern, Leachate, Pharmaceuticals, Publications Kennedy Neth, N.L. and Keen, O.S. (2019) Using size-exclusion for improved extraction of trace organic compounds from landfill leachate. Waste Management and Research 37(6), 651-655