

Keen Lab research was in the spotlight at the 2015 Annual Meeting of American Chemical Society in Denver.  Watch the press release video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa0UmgTWUz8&list=PLLG7h7fPoH8LtUyqg-vxxZO3GlujdfXh6&index=4 or read about it here: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/pressroom/newsreleases/2015/march/chlorine-use-in-sewage-treatment-could-promote-antibiotic-resistance.html

The featured research studied the products that form when a common antibiotic doxycycline is exposed to chlorine during water disinfection. 

Read more: Dr. Keen and PhD student Nicole Kennedy Neth have found that the products that form also have antibiotic properties.  The research emphasizes that apart from the antibiotics we know about, there may be others that form during treatment and contribute to the development of antibacterial resistance in the environment.  The ongoing effort focuses on evaluating other antibiotics as well.


Nicole received a competitive travel award from the UNC-Charlotte INES program to attend this conference.