
  • June 2024: Dr. Alam was invited to talk at the 2024 Annual Ophthalmic AI summit. Here is a link for his presentation:
  • May 2024: Dr. Alam was elected as the member of the Retina section for the ARVO Annual Meeting Program Committee. Congrats!
  • May 2024:QIAI Lab had a strong presence at the 2024 ARVO Annual meeting with one oral presentation (Sina – FedMIM) and two poster presentations (Badhon – OCTA translation, and our research intern Tania – EyeLLAMA).
  • April 2024: Sina won first prize at the UNC Charlotte Annual Graduate Research Symposium for his oral presentation on Federated Learning for AMD. Congrats!
  • February 2024: Dr. Alam and his NIH award was featured at ECE website! (Link).
  • February 2024: We have two new pre-prints:
  • February 2024: Dr. Alam’s (PI) NIH-NEI R15 proposal titled “Distributed approaches to train machine learning models in diabetic retinopathy” was funded!!!
  • January 2024: We have 3 ARVO abstracts accepted (1 paper presentation and 2 posters)! Congrats to all the authors and collaborators!
  • January 2024: David joined the QIAI lab as an MS student. Welcome!
  • December 2023: QIAI lab is featured as ECE spotlight:
  • November 2023: QIAI lab is highlighted on Charlotte Observer, in their article  “7 ways AI is impacting your life across Charlotte”.
  • September, 2023: Sina’s first journal paper is accepted in ‘Frontiers in Medicine’. Congratulations!
  • August 2023: Dr. Alam is teaching ECGR 6119/8119 Applied AI this semester, a hot topic for our graduate students, exciting!
  • August, 2023: Rashadul joined the QIAI lab as a PhD student. Welcome!!
  • July, 2023: New member alert!!! Dr. Alam and his wife Dr. Joyee became parents to a baby girl, congratulations!
  • Summer 2023: Welcome our volunteer research interns (Rayeef, Radhika, Vignav)!
  • May, 2023: Sina attended the ARVO 2023 annual meeting and presented his work on Federated Learning for ophthalmic diagnosis.
  • May, 2023: Dr. Alam is a panelist at the “2023 Ophthalmic AI Summit” and he presented QIAI lab’s work on Federated Learning for ophthalmic diagnosis.
    Here is a link to his talk:
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  • May, 2023: Dr. Alam is awarded the UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant. Congratulations!
  • March, 2023: Sina’s abstract on “A federated learning framework for training multi-class OCT classification models” has been accepted at the ARVO Imaging in the Eye Conference. Congratulations! Sina will be presenting his work in April this year at the conference.
  • January, 2023: Happy New Year! Dr. Alam is offering a new course ‘AI in Biomedical Applications’ in spring 2023, which will be part of the ECE department’s Machine Learning concentration.
  • January, 2023: Sina joined the QIAI lab as a PhD student. Welcome!!
  • August, 2022: Dr. Alam is offering a graduate-level course, ‘Applied Artificial Intelligence’ for the 2022 fall semester.
  • July 2022: Dr. Alam joins UNC Charlotte – ECE as a tenure-track Assistant Professor!
  • July 2022: QIAI starts its journey at UNC Charlotte.