Youngjin Park, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of EPIC / interim – EPIC HighBay Director / Research Associate Professor

Dr. Park’s expertise is geotechnical engineering with emphasis on laboratory and field experimentation, sensors and instrumentation for short- and long-term monitoring. Examples of recent research topics include resilient modulus testing, erosion protection of dams through adequate filter materials, and the modification of a new resonant and torsional shear testing device.
- Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering major), 2003
- M.S.C.E., Pusan National University in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering major), 1997
- B.S.C.E., Pusan National University in Civil Engineering, 1991
Research interests:
- 3D modeling and numerical analysis
- Development of sensors and test devices for geotechnical/structural engineering.
- Development of software and GUI for engineering teaching and research.
- Applied geotechnical engineering.
- Experimental soil mechanics.
- Soil-structure interaction.
- Field and Laboratory data collection.
- Developing digital twin / thread technology in advanced nuclear powerplant construction
Professional Affiliations:
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- Thomas, L.J., Kernicky, T., Whelan, M.J., Park, Y., and Cox, R.W. (2023) “Application of a Structural Digital Twin on a Laboratory Model for Performance Monitoring of Aging and Degradation,” Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference XLI, Austin, TX, February 13-16.
- Thomas, L.J., Kernicky, T.P., Park, Y., Whelan, M.J., and Charkas, H., (2022) “Laboratory Demonstration of Structural Digital Twin Use Cases for Nuclear Construction”, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting and Technology Expo, Phoenix, AZ, November 13–17, 2022.
- Cox, R.W., Kernicky, T.P., Khire, M.J., Whelan, M.J., Park, Y., Charkas, H., Varma, A., and Vedovi, J., (2022) “Digital Twins for Monitoring Construction Quality”, 2022 ANS Winter Meeting and Technology Expo, Phoenix, AZ., November 13–17, 2022.
- Zavala GJ, Pando MA, Park Y and Aguilar R (2022). “A simplified method to predict failure of sands under general cyclic simple shear loading.”, Geotechnical Research, E-ISSN 2052-6156, Published Online: June 16, 2022.
- Zavala GJ, Pando MA, Park Y and Aguilar R (2022). “Specific dissipated energy as a failure predictor for uniform sands under constant volume cyclic simple shear loading.”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 26(2): 703–714,
- Silva-Tulla, F., Pando, M.A., Pradel, D., Park, Y., and Kayen, R., (2020). “Geotechnical Consequences and Failures in Puerto Rico Due to Hurricane Maria”, Geo-Congress 2020, pp. 173-185.
- Zavala, G. J., Pando, M. A., Park, Y., Aguilar R., (2017). “Influence of irregular loading and frequency on the cumulative damage and dissipated energy of dry loose sand under cyclic simple shear”, 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Seoul), pp537-541
- Sylvain, M.B., Pando, M.A., Rice, C.D., Whelan, M.J., Ogunro, V.O., Park, Y., and Koch, T. (2017), “Case History of a Full Scale Axial Load Test of Sheet Piles”, ASCE Geocongress, Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, ASCE GSP # 279, pp. 355-365.
- Sylvain, M., Pando, M., Whelan, M., Ogunro, V., Park, Y. (2016), “Design and application of a low-cost, 3D printed crosshole seismic system- Preliminary assessment”, 5th International Conf. on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Investigation (ISC’5), Gold Coast, Australia, Vol. 2, pp. 941-946.
- Sylvain, M.B., Pando, M.A., Whelan, M.J., Ogunro, V.O., Park, Y., Koch, T. (2015). “Large scale laboratory testing to evaluate axial load capacity of sheet piles for bridge abutments.” 15th Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aries, South America, 290-297.
- Pando, M.A., Park, Y. (2014). “Overview Of Analytical Methodologies And Procedures Commonly Used For Seismic Screening Of Earth Dams In The U.S.”, Project Report for RRI Korea (Rural Research Institute).
- Pando, M.A., Swan, R.H., Park, Y., Sheridan, S. (2014). “Experimental Study of Bottom Coal Ash – Geogrid Interaction”, Geocongress 2014, pp. 316-325.
- Chen, S.E., Chung, H., Park, Y. (2013) “LiDAR scan and smart piezo layer combined damage detection”, Proc. SPIE 8694, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2013
- Chen, S.E., Chung, H., Park, Y., Bell, S. and Deaton, A. (2012) “Damage Evaluation Using LiDAR Scan and Smart Piezo Layer,” Proceedings, ASCE Forensic Engineering Congress VI, pp496-504
- Duncan, J.M., Brandon, T.L., Jian, W., Smith, G., Park, Y., Griffith, T., Corton, J., and Ryan, E. (2007) “Density and Friction Angles of Granular Materials with Standard Gradations 21B and #57”, Research Report No. 45, Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research (CGPR), Virginia Tech, 52 p.
- Brandon, T.L., Park, Y., and Duncan, J.M. (2006) “New Apparatus for Evaluating Filter Performance for Dams Containing Cracks”, Geotechnical Testing Journal (GTJ), Volume 30, Issue 1, pp48-59
- Park, Y., Brandon, T.L., and Duncan, J.M. (2005) “Filter Performance Test for Dams Containing Cracks”, 16th ICSMGE, Osaka, Japan, September 2005, Volume 3, 2f: Embankments and Dams, pp1909-1912
- Flintsch, G.W., Al-Qadi, I.L., Park, Y., Brandon, T.L., and Appea, A. (2003) “Relationship between backcalculated and laboratory-measured resilient moduli of unbound materials”, Journal of Transportation Research Record, No. 1849, pp. 177-182.
- Stidworthy, E., Duncan, J.M., Brandon, T.L., and Park, Y. (2004) “Filter Criteria Workbook Documentation”, Research Report, Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research (CGPR), Virginia Tech, Report #32, 34 pages
- e-mail:
- Office: 704-687-1232
- Fax: 704-687-6953