

Dr. Liuqing Yang!

Congratulations to Liuqing on graduating in the summer of 2024 with a PhD degree.

Wish all the best in the new role as R&D engineer at TDK Corporation in the Bay Area.

The last in situ nanomechanical testing in TEM w/ Liuqing



Dr. Youxing Chen, NSF CAREER Award

CAREER: Atomic-level understanding of stability and transition kinetics of 3-dimensional interfaces under irradiation


Program Manager: Dr. Jonathan Madison


The PI’s research fundamentally focuses on developing advanced materials with exceptional resilience to extreme environmental conditions, encompassing high temperatures, mechanical stress, and radiation exposure. The materials in question are distinguished by their intricate microstructures, particularly the interfaces existing within them, which play a defining role in dictating their properties. A novel dimension in material science was unveiled with the discovery of 3D interfaces, a relatively new and intricate class of interfacial structures. These 3D interfaces exhibit a unique character, characterized by variations in chemical and structural attributes spanning a few atomic layers to tens of nanometers along the interface’s normal direction. However, the underlying mechanisms governing the behavior of 3D interfaces, particularly in response to radiation, have remained a subject of limited understanding. This research focuses on a model material system, Cu-Nb, chosen for its suitability in exploring the intricacies of 3D interfaces. The primary research objectives encompass quantifying the varying short-range structural and chemical ordering within 3D interface structures and predicting and validating the stability and transition kinetics of these 3D interfaces when exposed to radiation. This entails a multi-faceted approach involving integrated experiments and computational modeling, with cross-validation playing a pivotal role. The significance of this work extends far beyond the confines of material science and into various practical domains. It has the potential to help identify structural materials that can endure the extreme irradiation conditions found in advanced nuclear reactors, which is an ongoing and critical challenge in the realm of nuclear energy. Furthermore, the insights derived from this research could hold relevance for interface-dominant behavior in diverse contexts, including the behavior of ultra-thin doping layers in advanced electronic components, such as FinFET transistors. Beyond its technical merits, this research strongly emphasizes outreach and education. It seeks to inspire and support both university students and local high school students, especially those from underrepresented groups, in their pursuit of careers in the energy industry. This educational component encompasses research opportunities, workshops, and hands-on laboratory experiences, aligning with the overarching goal of preparing the next generation of materials scientists and engineers for a range of applications across the energy sector and beyond.


UNC Charlotte, College of Engineering News

Secrets to tougher materials to support safety, lower cost energy production




Dr. Youxing Chen is interviewed by local media to discuss structural failure of support beam on Fury 325 at Carowinds amusement park


Charlotte Observer:



Trevor Williams

ASM AeroMat 2024, Charlotte, NC

Presentation title: Slurry Development of SiC/C Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) through Direct Ink Writing (DIW)



Liuqing Yang

ASM AeroMat 2024, Charlotte, NC

Presentation title: Understanding of grain growth and texture formation of IN718 processed by single-track laser scanning



Oliver Buergi

MS&T 2023, Columbus, Ohio

Presentation title: Nanoindentation Studies on the Surface Properties of Additively Manufactured Ni-base Superalloy ABD®900



Liuqing Yang

MS&T 2023, Columbus, Ohio

Presentation title: Study on early-stage irradiation damage in concentrated solid-solution alloys by nanoindentation