Xueying Wang

Xueying Wang

Xueying Wang

Xueying Brown (Wang) graduated with her MS and PhD in Civil Engineering in 2020.  Her PhD research focused on the role of environmental buffers in potable water reuse.  This work was sponsored by the National Institutes for Water Resources in collaboration with the USGS.  However, she worked on a variety of projects during her time at UNC Charlotte.  Before joining our program, she graduated with BS in Biology from UNC Charlotte and worked as a research assistant in the UNC Charlotte’s Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Watersheds lab for three years as the resident aquatic entomologist.  

During her time in our graduate program, Xueying has earned multiple highly competitive awards, including Thomas L. Reynolds Graduate Student Research Award, 1st Place Student Poster at NC One Water conference in Raleigh, and most impressively 3MT competition for the university.  Xueying went on to represent UNC Charlotte at the 3MT nationals and became one of the finalists.

Upon graduation she worked as an environmental engineer at Merrick and is currently a civil/water engineer at TRC Companies.