Principal Investigator

Dr. Lin Ma, Assistant Professor [Google Scholar]


Postdoc: US Army Research Laboratory/University of Maryland, Adviser: Dr. Kang Xu, Dr. Oleg Borodin, Prof. Chunsheng Wang

MS & PhD: Dalhousie University. Adviser: Prof. Jeff Dahn
BS: Xiamen University. Adviser: Prof. Yong Yang

Honors and Awards:

2024 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award

2023 ECS Battery Workforce Development (“Components for Lithium Ion Batteries: Electrolytes, Anodes, and Cathodes”) Award

2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Emerging Investigators

2022 Young Investigator Award, Batteries, MDPI

2021 ECS Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award
2019 Dr. Brad. E. Forch Distinguished Postdoc Fellowship, ARL
2017 The George Cooper Killam Graduate Prize, Canada
2017 Killam predoctoral scholarship, Canada

2017 ECS Battery Division Student Research Award
2017 ECS Canada Section Student Award (declined)