
  1. J. Raja and V. Radhakrishnan, “Analysis and synthesis of surface profiles using Fourier series”, International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 245-51, 1977. 
  2. V. Radhakrishnan and J. Raja “Effect of minor variation in stylus radius on cla value”, Mechanique Materizux Electricite No. 338,  pp. 59-61, Feb. 1978. 
  3. J. Raja and V. Radhakrishnan, “Waviness separation in surface profiles using digital filters”, Journal of Engineering Production, Vol. 2,  pp. 139-44, 1978. 
  4. J. Raja and V. Radhakrishnan, “Filtering of surface profiles using fast Fourier transformation”,  International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 133-42, 1978. 
  5. J. Raja and V. Radhakrishnan , “Stages in filtering of surface profiles”, Proceeding of the 8th AIMTDR Conference at I.I.T. Bombay, India, pp. 606-609, 1978.
  6. J. Raja and V. Radhakrishnan, “Digital filtering of surface profiles” , Wear, Vol. 57, pp. 147-55, 1979. 
  7. J. Raja and D. J. Whitehouse, “Application of complex demodulation techniques to surface analysis”, Precision Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 17-21, 1983
  8. J. Raja and D. J Whitehouse“ Field trial of machine tool diagnostic techniques using surface metrology” ,Annals of CIRP, Vol. 32/1/1983. 
  9. J. Raja and D. J. Whitehouse, “An investigation into the possibility of using surface profiles for machine tool surveillance”,  International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 453-466, 1984. 
  10. J. Raja “ Machine tool condition monitoring based on the characteristics of surface texture obtained from periodic cutting tests”, Recent Developments in Production Research, Elsevier Science publisher, pp. 108-115, 1987.
  11. J. Raja and U. Sheth, “ Integration of inspection into automated manufacturing system” , Recent Developments in Production Research, Elsevier Science publisher, pp.119 -124, 1987.
  12. B. Rao and J. Raja “ A knowledge based system for selection of surface texture parameters: a preliminary investigation”, Surface Topography, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 445-454, 1988.
  13. U. Sheth and J. Raja“A CAD directed metrology system”, Proceeding of the Symposium on Manufacturing Metrology, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, PED-Vol. 29, pp. 1-8, 1988.
  14. J. Raja and R. Veale “Dimensional characterization of small Bores – Survey”, Proceedings of The Measurement Science Conference held at Anaheim CA, Feb. 8th  and 9th, 1990.
  15. B. Boudreau and J. Raja“Analysis of lay characteristics of three dimensional surface maps”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 32, No. 1/2. pp. 171-177, 1992
  16. B. Boudreau and J. Raja “Separation of waviness and roughness in three dimensional surface maps”, Proceedings of the VIII International Colloquium on Surfaces, Vol. 2, pp. 41-47, Feb. 1992.
  17. O. Odyappan, J. Raja, R. Hocken and K. Chen “Sampling methods for circles in a CMM”, Proceedings of the 1992 ASPE Conference, pp. 149-152. (Odyappan, Raja, Hocken and Chen)
  18. B. Boudreau, T. Cloninger, J. Raja, R. Hocken and J. Patten “A nearfield scanning optical microscope module”,  Proceedings of the 1992 ASPE conference, pp. 173-177.
  19. M.C Malburg and J. Raja “Characterization of surface texture generated by plateau honing process”, CIRP Annalean, Vol. 42, 1993. ( Malburg and Raja)
  20. R. Hocken, J. Raja and U. Babu, “Sampling issues in coordinate metrology”,  Manufacturing Review, Vol. 6(4), pp. 282-294, 1993.
  21. M.V. Ananda, J. Raja and T. Doiron, “Residual error compensation of a vision based coordinate measuring machine”, Proceedings of the ASPE Conference,  pp. 60-69, 1993.
  22. B. Boudreau, J. Raja, R. Hocken and J. Patten, “A Nearfield Scanning microscope”, Proceedings of the ASPE conference, pp. 18-22, 1994.
  23. J. Venkatraman and J. Raja “A simple and effective method to account for tilt and eccentricity in roundness measurements”,  Proceedings of the 1994 ASPE conference, pp. 141 – 145, 1994.
  24. T. Cloninger, S. Balasubramanian, B. Boudreau, J. Raja and R. Hocken “A simple technique for screening near-field probes”, Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 57, pp. 223 –227, 1995.
  25. J. Salsbury and J. Raja “Development of a quantitative methodology for process capability analysis”, in The Technical papers of the North American Manufacturing Research institute, 1995, pp.173 – 178, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, One SME Drive, Dearborn, MI
  26. V. Badami, S. Smith, J. Raja and R. Hocken “A portable three-dimensional stylus profile measuring instrument”, Precision Engineering, Vol.  18, No. 2/3, pp. 147 – 156, 1996.
  27. X. Liu, J. Raja and H. Sanna Reddy “Assessment of Plateau Honed Surface Texture using Wavelet transform”, Proceedings of the ASPE Annual meeting, Vol. 14, pp. 672-675, 1996.
  28. X. Liu and J. Raja “Analyzing Engineering Surface Texture using Wavelet Filter”, Proceedings of SPIE- Wavelet Applications in Signal and image processing, vol. 2825, pp. 942-949, 1996.
  29. U. Babu, J. Raja, R. Hocken and K. Chen “Sampling methods and substitute geometry algorithms for measuring cylinders in coordinate measuring machines”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Volume XXV, pp. 353 – 358, 1997.
  30. B. Boudreau, J. Raja, R. Hocken, S. Patterson and J. Patten, “Thermal imaging with near-field microscopy” Rev. Sci. Instruments, Vol. 68, pp. 3096-3098 1997.
  31. M.C. Malburg, D.G. Chetwynd and J. Raja, “Local slope analysis in the stylus based assessment of surface integrity” , Tribology International, Vol. 30, No. 7, pp. 527-532, 1997.
  32. M.C Malburg, D. G. Chetwynd and J. Raja “The robust detection and removal of local asperities in applied surface metrology”, Int. Journal Of Machine tool and Manufacture, Vol. 38:3, pp.143-153, 1998.
  33. J. Salasbury and J. Raja “Performance Testing and Uncertainty Analysis of Multiple Tip Probing on Coordinate Measuring Machines”, Proceedings of the 1998 ASPE Annual Meeting, pp. 575-578, 1998
  34. H. Sanna Reddy, J. Raja and K.Chen “Characterization of Surface Texture Generated by Multi-Process Manufacture”, Int. Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 38, Nos. 5-6, pp.529-536, 1998
  35. S.H. Bui,  V. Gopolan and J. Raja,  “An internet based surface texture information system”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 41 (2001) 2171-2177
  36. S. Fu, Raja “Internet based roundness and cylindricity analysis”, IMEKO, Proc., Vienna, Austria, Sept 2000.
  37. S. Bui, B. Muralikrishnan, and J. Raja  “A framework for Internet Based Surface texture Analysis and Information System”, Precision Engineering, 29 (3), 2005, 298-306
  38. B. Muralikrishnan, S. Venkatachalam, J. Raja & M. Malburg, “A note on three-point method for roundness measurement”, Precision Engineering – Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 29 (2), 2005, 257-260
  39. B. Muralikrishnan and J. Raja, “Inference Engine for Process Diagnostics and Functional Correlation in Surface Metrology”, Wear, 257/12,1257-1263, 2004
  40. B. Muralikrishnan and J. Raja, “Process Diagnostics and Functional Correlation in Surface Metrology: Novel techniques, case studies and analysis system development”, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), 36(2), 2004, 175-183
  41. B. Muralikrishnan, S. Bui and J. Raja, “Classification and Recognition of Surface Texture”, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, China, 2(2), 2004, 141-151
  42. N. G. Orji, T.V. Vorburger,  J. Fu , R. G. Dixson, C.V., Nguyen and J. Raja , “Line Edge Roughness Metrology using Atomic force Microscopes.”  Measurement Science and Technology 16 2147-2154, 2004
  43. B. Muralikrishnan and J. Raja, “Functional filtering and performance correlation of plateau honed surface profiles”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127(1), 193-197, 2005
  44. B. Muralikrishnan, S. Venkatachalam, J. Raja and M. Douglass, “Process mapping and functional correlation in surface metrology: a sheet metal case study”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 27 (1-2), 2005, 75-82
  45. S.Fu, B.Muralikrishnan and J.Raja,“Engineering surface analysis with different wavelet bases”,  ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125(4), 2003,  844-852
  46. B.Muralikrishnan, J.Raja and K.Najarian, “Surface wavelength based clustering using neural networks for manufacturing process mapping”, International Journal of Machine tools and Manufacture, 43/4, 369-377, 2003
  47. J.Raja, B.Muralikrishnan and S. Fu , “Recent advances in separation of roughness, waviness and form”, Precision Engineering – Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 26 (2), 2002, 222-235
  48. B.Muralikrishnanand J.Raja, “Characterization of cast iron surfaces with graphite pullouts using morphological filters”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME, 2002
  49. J. Raja “Filtering of surface profiles – Past, Present and Future”, Precision Engineering: Proceedings of  the First National Conference on Precision Engineering,  Chennai, India, pp. 99- 108., 2000.
  50. J. Raja, B. Muralikrishnan, and X. Liu, “Recent advances in separation of roughness, waviness and form”, Proceedings of the ASPE, pp. 25 – 30, 2000
  51. S. Bui and J. Raja “Knowledge management for process diagnostics and improvement”, Proceeding of the ASPE, pp. 144 – 147, 2000
  52. S. Fu and J. Raja, “Internet based Roundness and Cylindricity Analysis”, Proceeding  of the XVI IMEKO World Congress, Volume III, pp. 83 – 88,  2000.
  53. B. Muralikrishnan, C. H. Hsu, G. Singh, S. Smith and J. Raja, “Rapid Stylus Profiler – A 2D profiler for cylindrical workpieces”  Proceedings of the First National Conference on Precision Engineering, COPEN 2000, India, organized by IIT Chennai, India
  54. B. Muralikrishnan, S.Fu, N.G. Orji and J.Raja, “Scale-space and multi-resolution techniques for outlier analysis in surface metrology” ,  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ASPE 2001, Crystal City, VA
  55. S. Fu, X. Liu, B. Muralikrishnan and J. Raja, “Comparison study of different wavelet bases for surface metrology”  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ASPE 2001, Crystal City, VA
  56. B. Muralikrishnan and J.Raja, “Neural network inference engine in surface metrology”, Symposium on Manufacturing Excellence, SYMAX 2002, IIT Chennai, India.
  57. B.Muralikrishnan, J.Raja and K.R.Subramanian, “A 3D visualization tool for surface metrology”,  Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Precision Engineering, COPEN 2002, India, organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
  58. N.G Orji, T.V. Vorburger, and J. Raja, “Atomic force microscopy of semiconductor line edge roughness”, Proc. of ASPE 17th Annual Meeting  pp 63-66,2002
  59. B. Muralikrishnan, J. Raja, T. Dawson and T. Kurfess, “A surface texture toolbox for turning process diagnostics”, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ASPE 2003, Portland, Oregon  
  60. N.G. Orji , T.V. Vorburger, X. Gu  and  J. Raja, “Scale-space analysis of line edge roughness on 193 nm lithography test structures”. Proc. of ASPE 18th Annual Meeting, 419-422, 2003.

Monographs, Book Chapters and Books

  1. “Surface Finish Metrology,” T.V. Vorburger and J. Raja, Tutorial notes available through ASPE and in the form of a US government publication  NISTIR 89-4088, 1989
  2. “A Bibliography of Screw Thread  Measurement,” S. Laks, J. Raja and T. Doiron, NISTR 5223, 1993
  3. N.G. Orji, M.I. Sanchez, J. Raja and T.V. Vorburger, “AFM characterization of semiconductor line edge roughness” In: Applied Scanning Probe Methods (Bhushan,  Fuchs, Hosaka. eds), Springer-Verlag Berlin, (2004) chpt. 9.
  4. B. Muralikrishnan  and J. Raja “Computational Surface and Roundness Metrology” , ISBN 978-1-84800-297-5, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2009