Inspiring Future Engineers of Western New York (IFEWNY)
Diversity in service: respectful mentorship, STEM promotion, and community building
When my students are struggling through the hard moments in college or need to be inspired to finish an overwhelming task, I make myself available as a mentor. Students often want a personal connection to the content and learning outcomes. Guest speakers from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences provide that context and also help to present the information in different ways. These variations in delivery provide students with additional opportunities to connect with professionals and experts in the subject matter they are studying and the field they are interested in pursuing. In addition, I gladly provide guidance and advisement to many undergraduate students each semester.
My service commitment includes volunteering and providing STEM education to community organizations like Inspiring Future Engineers of Western New York (IFEWNY). This program offers day and summer camps for children, with additional programs meant to attract girls and underserved youth ages 5 to 14. I have recruited my students to volunteer and share their own backgrounds and experiences with young STEM learners. These experiences are fulfilling personally for my students and provide additional leadership building opportunities to prepare them for success after college.